Up until now he shared the stage with artists like Preach, Oliver Giacomotto, Vincent de Wit, Bas Mooy, Damian Keane, Dave Miller, Oliver Kucera, Patrik Skoog, Jay Denham, James Ruskin and Secret Cinema, just to name a few. Where his slamming livesets will take you from pounding 4*4 to dark off-beat rhythms, filled with nasty razorsharp acid basslines, his dj-sets will take you from old Jeff Mills tunes to Mulero beats and everything in between. Releases/Appearances: Bas Mooy & Charlton - Ibogaine -Arms 007 Bas Mooy & Charlton - Narco Corrido -Arms 008 Charlton -Septenary ep-Peeledtracks 008 (mp 3 realese) Daibla Diezco - Inmate - arms 012 Grovskopa-Ragnarok (Bas mooy & Charlton rmx)Audioassault 022 Bas Mooy-Angstgegner (Charlton rmx)Audioassault 024 Charlton- Nie_Przyjazny-Arms 13 Charlton-Smackhead - Peeledtracks Yearly Bash 2006(mp 3 realese) Go Hiyama - Machine for rest (Diabla Diezco rmx)Audioassault 025 Charlton - Sinister/BlackSlong - Pohjola 006 Diabla Diezco - Crystal Meth - aftertaste 002 Diabla Diezco vs Boyconstrictor - tba - lime tree project 002