Cravo, is the solo project of Pedro Cravo, member of the tag
team -2 [menosdois] and one of the founding members of
Hayes Collective.
From deep to tough, his sets and live acts are designed for the
dancefloor, oscillating between the various aspects of techno,
house and electronic music in general. All crafted in order to
take dancers on a journey full of groove and psychedelic loops.
Born in Lisbon, and graduated in audiovisual arts, he had his first
contact with music production, DJing and notion of rhythms
and instruments through Dub and Reggae in mid 2007. Also
being in love with Blues, Jazz and Afro Music, and in a phase of
great inspiration, he created his first musical project, namely
PeterSmiling - a heteronym. In this era, he was also a part of the
collective I’n’High Sound System and started to compose and
produce his first original music.
A first interest in producing and playing techno sparked in 2010.
Influenced by his schoolmate, Vasco Guerreiro, who introduced
him to this - at the time - a new world of sounds. Through digging
deep into the history of this new world, Cravo acquired more of a
vision of becoming an electronic music artist (and also a bit of a
raver). The musical influences at that time were ranging from
techno in various forms to house - especially the blossoming
genre of minimal - further to Psy Trance. All these musical
influences have opened new frontiers both on the creative and
production side.
With the aforementioned Vasco Guerreiro, Cravo subsequently
came together to form -2 [menosdois] in 2011. In the following
years, the two would get to know their fellow comrades whom
they now form Hayes Collective with Temudo and VIL.