Fireground, renowned for their electrifying and irresistible blend of house and techno, set dance floors
ablaze across the globe with their deftly composed and engineered live performances.
Angela and Daniele, the magnetic duo behind Fireground, first crossed paths in a setting far removed
from the nightclubs and dance floors they would later come to transcend. Angela, with a background
in performance, dance and vocal work. Daniele, a classically trained multi-instrumentalist with a
passion honed since his youth. It was their mutual appreciation for their respective arts that laid the
foundation for what would become Fireground. Together, they envisioned a project that would bring
together their diverse influences, with the earthy grooves of their Neapolitan origins to the pulsating
energy of techno and house music, crafting an ecstatic and universally compelling sound.
Fireground’s debut records released as part of Tresor’s 30th anniversary celebrations, also earning a
coveted club residency, performing both at the Berlin techno mothership and for showcases
worldwide. Simultaneously, the duo’s pursuit of sonic innovation got them a spot within the revered
roster of Ilian Tape, the legendary Munich label, further confirming Fireground's status as trailblazers
of their own genre.
With upcoming live performances on the most iconic stages of the European clubs and festival circuit,
Fireground's high-energy live sets captivate audiences with their infectious melodies and relentless
rhythms. As they continue to navigate through the techno landscape, they leave behind a trail of
euphoric crowds and memories, affirming their status as prime movers of the scene.