At this point we have to mention in advance, that Ramon is not "the little brother of Marco"! In terms of biological, it might be right, but when it comes to the entity as a Deejay, is Ramon Remus as well Ramon Remus. Prejudices are done rapidly and so happens Ramon over and over. But whom he wants to counter, because like all the other DeeJays Ramon has fought and worked hard for his success. The doors to success he has opened by himself and not his brother! But now to the proper things: A birthday gift from his mother was the meaning, which brought him to music. With the age of 14 years he began to collect his first experiences in range of music and production and just only with a simple music authoring tool. With full enthusiasm he produced his first tracks, which later fascinated the public in different private parties. The positive feedback and the joy to see, that his music makes fun and joy not only himself, even the others who listen to his music, that's the fact he don't let off and aim further. Through his brother Marco, who always followed him on his way, he came to contact with the electronic music scene. Promptly Ramon caught fascination for house music. His first record player, a mixing console and his own records Ramon got in 2002. Now it was called to practice and to practice over and over again. His ambitions should be rewarded and in summer 2002 he got his opportunity. As a newcomer he was granted to show his skills at a big event and of course under the critical eyes by a "professional jury", the party folk out of the scene - with success! His career as a Deejay had begun. In following with regular Gigs his Fanbase grew still larger. To widen his musically horizons he risked the entering wedge to move to Berlin in 2005. In the capital city of Germany he discovered the minimal scene for himself. But this discovery was not permanently. After a short time he felt the minimal sound to drifting. A new orientation had to be born. In Hard Techno Sound he felt himself like at home. Spain, Belgium, Netherlands as like Slovenia were for him a springboard and until today he is floating in the sound of Hard Techno. For him it is hard to imagine to perform or to produce something different. But he can't completely exclude it. His first track was produced with his brother together in February 2008. It will be released on the album "One way" by Marco Remus. The first Mix CD in form of a compilation (with the collaboration with his brother) and his first EP will be released in the stores at the end of 2008. In this connection you can wonder, where his way will further leading.