Customer support

compass 06 Awakenings Upclose 2025

What is the date and location of Awakenings Upclose?
Awakenings Upclose will take place on 17 & 18 May 2025, from 12.00 - 23.00 at Houtrak (Spaarnwoude-park) the Netherlands.
What is the lineup?
Check out the lineup here!
What is the minimum age to get in?
At all our events, you have to be 18+.
We will check your ID at the entrance.
What is the best way to travel to Awakenings Upclose?
We have several travel options, like the shuttle bus from Amsterdam Sloterdijk, by bike or touringcar with Partybussen. You can buy tickets for the shuttle bus, partybus or a parking ticket in our ticket shop.

Click here to view all options and information about traveling to Awakenings Upclose.
Where can I find my tickets?
You received an email from Paylogic. This email contains your ''sealed'' ticket(s). The actual e-ticket(s) will be sent to your email a few days before the festival.

You will receive an email about this from Paylogic. You can also find an overview of your bought tickets on the ''My Order'' page from your Paylogic account. You can access this page by clicking ''Manage order'' in your confirmation email.
Can I re-sell my ticket(s)?
It is NOT allowed and therefore illegal to resell your ticket through unofficial channels/websites etc.
If you want to sell or buy tickets safely, do this on the official ticket marketplace:
When a ticket is sold through Ticketswap, the ‘old’ ticket gets canceled and a new ticket is going to the new owner.
The old ticket is not valid anymore and the seller is not able to put the ticket on Ticketswap again.

Please note: the Weekend Ticket can be sold to a "third party", but only as one ticket. It is NOT a separate ticket for two days. You can only sell it to one person as it only allows entrance to the same person on both days.
What are the rules and regulations of Awakenings Upclose?
- Age 18+ (don't forget your ID).
- Always follow the instructions of staff, security, and emergency services personnel.
- We have the right to refuse admittance without restitution of entrance fees.
- Before entering, our crew or security can ask for your identification to check your name and age.
- There is a possibility that proof of a negative test or proof of vaccination will be required to attend the event.
- Always respect other visitors, no (sexual) harassment will be tolerated.
- You have read and respect our code of conduct.
- No pets / fireworks / weapons / sharp or dangerous objects are allowed.
- No drugs are allowed, so all (hard and soft) drugs, pills, powders, liquids, mushrooms, and N20 (nitrous oxide/laughing gas) are forbidden.
- No hash/weed is tolerated at this festival (only at our events in Amsterdam Gashouder)
- Security will thoroughly search everybody before and during the event.
- When hard drugs are found you will be removed from the event and you might be handed over to the police.
- You're not allowed to bring your own drinks/foods/beverages.
- Store your bags and jackets in our lockers.
- Camera surveillance and metal detectors are part of our and your safety.
- Selfie sticks, professional photo / film / video / audio equipment are not allowed. Standard digital cameras/phones are allowed.
- Club-oriented football shirts, motorclub colors or shirts/stickers with offending lyrics/symbols etc. are not allowed.
- Football shirts of national teams are allowed.
- Please keep your shirt on.
- Masks are not allowed.
- Large flags / inflatable objects are not allowed.
- Smoking or vaping are only allowed outside, not in the tents.
- Access is at your own risk. If you feel uncomfortable or if you want ear protection, please go to our first aid / EHBO / EMS, they are your friends.
- It's forbidden to have commercial activities in and around the festival area, without the agreement of the organization.
- No entrance after two hours from the end and no re-entrance after leaving the party!
Zero tolerance
Awakenings is a zero tolerance event. This means that no drugs are allowed, so all (hard and soft) drugs, pills, powders, liquids, mushrooms and N20 (nitrous oxide/laughing gas) are forbidden. Security will thoroughly search everybody before entering the event. When hard drugs are found, you will be removed from the event and you might be handed over to the police.
Accessibility & extra care
Do you have questions about our accessibility or are you in need of extra care? Please see this page.

happy sun Awakenings Festival 2025

What is the date and location?
Awakenings Festival takes place on 11, 12 & 13 July 2025.

It will take place at Hilvarenbeek, near Tilburg (Netherlands).
What are the opening and closing hours of the festival and campsite?
Friday 16:00 - 01:00
Saturday 13:00 - 01:00
Sunday 13:00 - 23:30

The campsite is open from Friday 12:00 - Monday 10:00.
Ticket options
Weekend tickets
Weekend Ticket - Grand Camping: €234.95
Weekend Group Ticket - Grand Camping: €229.95 (SOLD OUT)
Weekend Ticket - Comfort Camping: €264.95

3 Day no Stay Ticket - No Camping access: €219.95

Day tickets
Friday Ticket - Regular: €63.95
Saturday Ticket - Regular: €94.95
Sunday Ticket - Regular: €79.95
Friends fields
We offer friends fields at the Grand Camping, where we will reserve a camping spot for a minimum of 5 persons, incl. private power, a shelter, and a picnic table.

Here you and your friends can set up your own tent.

This price for this friends field is a weekend Grand Camping ticket + 67,50 euro per person.

Already bought a friends field ticket and would like to add someone to your group? Please send your request and paylogic order number in an email to
If you want to stay with more than 15 persons, please also email
I have a question regarding my Beekse Bergen Accommodation
When you book your accommodation and tickets through Beekse Bergen, you will receive a confirmation of the booking from them. Within 10 days, you will receive an email from Paylogic with information about your entrance tickets.

If you have any questions; please contact
Can I re-sell my ticket(s)?
Re-selling your tickets is possible In the confirmation email you received from Paylogic you'll find a button which says: ''Sell on TicketSwap''. By clicking on this you will be redirected to TicketSwap. Here you can choose which ticket(s) you want to sell and set up your selling price. You can also sell your (sealed) ticket(s) via the ''My Order'' page from Paylogic.

You can only sell Festival Day tickets and Bring Your Own tickets via TicketSwap. When you can no longer attend and want to sell your ticket including any type of accommodation (cottage, safari tent, hotel, or pre-set up) please contact the following mailing address:

For cottage, safari tent or hotel via Libema reach out to
For all other hotels reach out to
For pre-set up tents and friends fields, reach out to

When a ticket is sold through TicketSwap, the ‘old’ ticket gets canceled and a new ticket goes to the new owner. The old ticket is not valid anymore and the seller is not able to put the ticket on TicketSwap again.
Do I need to personalize my tickets before I sell them on Ticketswap?
You don't need to personalize your (sealed) ticket(s) before selling them on TicketSwap. It's possible to sell your (sealed) ticket(s) with, or without personalization.

In your confirmation mail from Paylogic you will find a link to re-sell your tickets on Ticketswap. Or you can go to ''My Order'' in your Paylogic account.

After you sell the ticket(s), the new owner can personalize the ticket(s) again.
Where can I find my tickets?
You received an email from Paylogic. This email contains your ''sealed'' ticket(s). The actual e-ticket(s) will be sent to your email a few days before the festival.

You will receive an email about this from Paylogic. You can also find an overview of your bought tickets on the ''My Order'' page from your Paylogic account. You can access this page by clicking ''Manage order'' in your confirmation email.
Zero tolerance
Awakenings is a zero tolerance event. This means that no drugs are allowed, so all (hard and soft) drugs, pills, powders, liquids, mushrooms and N20 (nitrous oxide/laughing gas) are forbidden. Security will thoroughly search everybody before entering the event. When hard drugs are found, you will be removed from the event and you might be handed over to the police.
Accessibility & extra care
Do you have questions about our accessibility or are you in need of extra care? Please see this page.
Celebrate safe
Party safe! Our Celebrate Safe stand is there for you if you have a question, need any support or you need advice do not hesitate to visit them.
What are the rules and regulations of Awakenings Festival and the campsite?
- Age 18+ (don't forget your ID).
- Always follow the instructions of staff, security, and emergency services personnel.
- We have the right to refuse admittance without restitution of entrance fees.
- Before entering, our crew or security can ask for your identification to check your name and age.
- Always respect other visitors, no (sexual) harassment will be tolerated.
- No pets/ fireworks /weapons / sharp or dangerous objects are allowed.
- No drugs are allowed, so all (hard and soft) drugs, pills, powders, liquids, mushrooms, and N20 (nitrous oxide/laughing gas) are forbidden.
- No hash/weed is tolerated at this festival (only at our events in Amsterdam Gashouder)
- Security will thoroughly search everybody before and during the event.
- When hard drugs are found you will be removed from the event and you might be handed over to the police.
- For your safety and for other visitors, crowd surfing, climbing in trees or scaffoldings and starting a fire is not allowed.
- Swimming in the lake is only allowed at the designated areas and on designated hours.
- Public urinating is not allowed and is distasteful for others, smelly and completely unnecessary.
- Camera surveillance and metal detectors are part of our and your safety.
- Selfie sticks, professional photo / film / video / audio equipment are not allowed. Standard digital cameras/phones are allowed.
- Club-oriented football shirts, motor club colors or shirts/stickers with offending lyrics/symbols etc. are not allowed.
- Football shirts of national teams are allowed.
- Please keep your shirt on.
- Masks that cover the eyes / whole face are not allowed. Only (Medical) face masks for covering the nose and mouth are allowed.
- Large flags / inflatable objects are not allowed.
- Smoking is only allowed outside.
- Access is at your own risk. If you feel uncomfortable or if you want ear protection, please go to our first aid / EHBO / EMS, they are your friends.
- It's forbidden to have commercial activities, without the agreement of the organization.


- You may bring your own food for your own consumption.
- You may bring a total of 4,5L of liquid pro person, among which a maximum of 1L can be pre-mixed.
- All liquid must be sealed and packed in its original packaging
- Glass packaging is not allowed
- Pre-mixed only in original and sealed packaging (cans)
- Soft drinks are allowed
- Strong liquor (more than 15%) is not allowed

- Gas grills, stoves, fridges, beer kegs and jockey boxes are not allowed.- Small battery-powered speakers with a maximal volume of 80 dB(A) are allowed. Speakers with a volume more than 80 dB(A) are not allowed. Speakers size max 30 cm. Respect your neighbors!
- Candles are not allowed.
- Leave your spot clean, we have a leave no trace policy on the complete campgrounds.
NL/BE Bus Trips
Book your bus trip from Belgium and The Netherlands to Awakenings Festival!

Belgium: Antwerp, Ghent, Hasselt & Izegem
The Netherlands: Vakantiepark Molenvelden, Breda, Eindhoven

Book your bus trip here! Early Bird tickets now available
International Bus Trips
Make your trip complete by booking your bus trip in the ticketshop!
Below you can find all the important information for international bus travel.
Make sure you are at departure address half an hour before the departure time at the latest. The bus will depart on the indicated time.

Luggage information (per person):
· 1 x carry-on luggage bag
· 1 x weekend bag or suitcase (maximum size: 55 x 40 x 25 cm)
· 1 x tent (for 1 person)
· The luggage compartment of the bus is limited. If you bring more luggage than allowed, this luggage cannot be taken with you.

Arrival at event: Friday 11 July at 11:00 AM
Departure from event: Monday 14 July at 11:00 AM

FR Paris (Charles de Gaulles Airport)
Pick up Friday 11 July at 05:15 AM
Expected arrival Paris: Monday 14 July at 16:45 PM

BE Antwerp (Sporthal Het Rooi, Berchemstadionstraat 73, B-2600)
Pick up Friday 11 July at 09:45 AM
Expected arrival Antwerp: Monday 14 July 12:15 PM

DE Berlin (S+U Berlin Hauptbahnhof, Invalidenstraße)
Pick up Friday 11 July at 01:30 AM
Expected arrival Berlin: Monday 14 July at 20:15 PM

DE Duisburg (Fernbusbahnhof Duisburg, Mercatorstraße, D-47051)
Pick up Friday 11 July at 09:15 AM
Expected arrival Duisburg: Monday 14 July at 12:45 PM

world Awakenings Festival - Campsite

What are the opening hours of our campsite?
Opening hours campsite
Opening: Friday 12:00
Closing: Monday 10:00

Relax Resort:
Bring your own and Pre-set up:
Friday 12:00 - Monday 10:00

Cottages and Safari tents:
Check-in: Friday 16:00
Check out Monday 10:00

Grand Camping & Comfort Camping:
Bring your own and Pre-set up:
Friday 12:00 – Monday 10:00

Camping location
The campsite is located at the Beekse Bergen in Hilvarenbeek. The campsite is directly at the festival grounds.

What are the sleeping options at the campsite?
Bring your own: This means, bring your own tent and stay on the large camp field.

Friends fields: Get your own piece of the BYO field together with friends. These field are for 5-15 persons and include private power, a picnic table and shelter.

Please click here for all pre-set up options.

We have created 2 different areas at our campsite. The Grand Camping is the regular campsite and the Comfort Camping is the more premium, luxurious campsite. The Grand Camping is accessible for everyone with a weekend ticket and the Comfort Camping can be entered with a Comfort Camping ticket.

The Relax Resort is a separate area that can be only entered when you've booked a Beekse Bergen accommodation at the Relax Resort.

Find the map here.
Relax Resort Campsite becomes Comfort Camping
We’ve moved the Relax Resort Campsite and turned it into the premium Comfort Camping to bring you closer to all facilities, with access to the supermarket, your own private beach, a full sports and recharge program, and much more. It’s the same (but even better) luxury experience you signed up for—now closer to all the activities while keeping the tranquility you expect.

Please note: the Relax Resort remains, but now includes only the Beekse Bergen accommodations, making Comfort Camping an additional, upgraded option for guests.

What’s new at the Comfort Camping?
  • Extra space: Enjoy even more room with additional square meters per tent
  • Private beach access, exclusively for Comfort Camping visitors
  • Luxury wellness program included for maximum relaxation
  • Welcome Party at the private beach on Friday to kick off the weekend!
  • Saturday & Sunday breakfast included if you’re staying in a pre-set-up tent
  • Many more exciting things coming your way!
Are you allowed to leave the campsite?
It’s only allowed to leave the campsite in case of emergency.
Showers and toilets
Our campsite is equipped with flush toilets and hot showers. You can use them 24/7.

All toilet areas have a free drinking water tap.
How much liquids can I bring to the campsite?
You may bring a total of 4,5L of liquid per person, among which a maximum of 1L can be alcohol or pre-mixed.
· All liquid must be sealed and packed in its original packaging
· Glass packaging is not allowed
· Pre-mixed only in original and sealed packaging (cans)
· Soft drinks are allowed
· Strong liquor (more than 15% alcohol) is not allowed
Can I bring my own drink from the campsite to the festival ground?
When you sleep on our campsite you can not bring your own drinks to the festival ground.
We sell a 100% vegetarian delicious food menu at the festival and campsite. You are also allowed to bring your own food to the campsite, not to the festival.

Open fires, camping stoves and BBQs are not allowed.
Camping store
We have multiple stores where you can buy food, drinks, camping necessities, hygiene products and merchandise.

A few weeks before the festival, our Camping Store will be online, which gives you the opportunity to reserve your camp gear, which you can pick up at the campsite.

We also have a camping rental store (Camping Recycle & repair store) where you can rent chairs, tables and the ZZZ air mattresses.
Lockers on the campsite
Locker options
At the online ticket shop, you can buy a locker located at the campsite. It is not possible to buy a camping locker at the campsite, only online.

Lockers located at the festival entrance can be bought at the festival day tickets online ticket shop or at the festival itself.

Lockers sizes
A Large locker is suitable for two or three friends. A regular-sized locker is suitable for one or two friends. The locker measurements are: Standard: H22 * B25 * D50 cm Large: H36 * B25 * D50 cm.

PIN code for pre-sale
If you buy your camping locker in pre-sale, you will receive your locker number and PIN a few days before the event by email. Once you have received these, you will not be able to sell the locker e-ticket through Ticketswap anymore.

At the event, there is a locker service desk and our service staff will be present around the e-locker area wearing yellow elockers shirts.

For more information or questions about lockers you can contact:
Camp as if it was meant to be: there’s no electricity available near your tent. That’s why we ask you to leave your laptop and big sound sets at home. At the showers, there are sockets available for hair straighteners, blowdryers and shavers.

You can purchase a portable charger nearby the information desk. You can also rent one at the locker desk.

All pre-set up tents at the Comfort Camping have electricity, as well as all cottages and safari tents.
Sprays are not allowed. Please bring a deodorant roller and sunscreen roller.
Large items
Please note that the entrance gates are 90 centimeter wide, you can’t bring carts wider than that.
First aid
There will be a first aid at the festival as well as on the campsite. Please do not hesitate to visit them for any questions.
Bring your medication
You are allowed to bring your medication in combination with an official doctor’s note, this will be checked at the entrance.
Breast pump station
Bring your breast pump to our First aid or low stimulus space for a private place to pump and store.
What are the rules and regulations of Awakenings Festival and the campsite?
- Age 18+ (don't forget your ID).
- Always follow the instructions of staff, security, and emergency services personnel.
- We have the right to refuse admittance without restitution of entrance fees.
- Before entering, our crew or security can ask for your identification to check your name and age.
- Always respect other visitors, no (sexual) harassment will be tolerated.
- No pets/ fireworks /weapons / sharp or dangerous objects are allowed.
- No drugs are allowed, so all (hard and soft) drugs, pills, powders, liquids, mushrooms, and N20 (nitrous oxide/laughing gas) are forbidden.
- No hash/weed is tolerated at this festival (only at our events in Amsterdam Gashouder)
- Security will thoroughly search everybody before and during the event.
- When hard drugs are found you will be removed from the event and you might be handed over to the police.
- For your safety and for other visitors, crowd surfing, climbing in trees or scaffoldings and starting a fire is not allowed.
- Swimming in the lake is only allowed at the designated areas and on designated hours.
- Public urinating is not allowed and is distasteful for others, smelly and completely unnecessary.
- Camera surveillance and metal detectors are part of our and your safety.
- Selfie sticks, professional photo / film / video / audio equipment are not allowed. Standard digital cameras/phones are allowed.
- Club-oriented football shirts, motor club colors or shirts/stickers with offending lyrics/symbols etc. are not allowed.
- Football shirts of national teams are allowed.
- Please keep your shirt on.
- Masks that cover the eyes / whole face are not allowed. Only (Medical) face masks for covering the nose and mouth are allowed.
- Large flags / inflatable objects are not allowed.
- Smoking is only allowed outside.
- Access is at your own risk. If you feel uncomfortable or if you want ear protection, please go to our first aid / EHBO / EMS, they are your friends.
- It's forbidden to have commercial activities, without the agreement of the organization.


- You may bring your own food for your own consumption.
- You may bring a total of 4,5L of liquid pro person, among which a maximum of 1L can be pre-mixed.
- All liquid must be sealed and packed in its original packaging
- Glass packaging is not allowed
- Pre-mixed only in original and sealed packaging (cans)
- Soft drinks are allowed
- Strong liquor (more than 15%) is not allowed

- Gas grills, stoves, fridges, beer kegs and jockey boxes are not allowed.- Small battery-powered speakers with a maximal volume of 80 dB(A) are allowed. Speakers with a volume more than 80 dB(A) are not allowed. Speakers size max 30 cm. Respect your neighbors!
- Candles are not allowed.
- Leave your spot clean, we have a leave no trace policy on the complete campgrounds.

save planet Recycle token

How can I win with my recycle token?
You can fill out your token here.
Fill out recycle token

smile Personalization of tickets

Why do I need to personalize my ticket(s)?
All larger events are confronted with organizations and people that try to resell tickets for far too high prices. To prevent this, we ask ticket buyers to personalize all tickets by indicating the name of the person who will attend the event. By doing so, tickets will be available for a fair price and belong to an individual festival visitor. This also gives us the opportunity to send relevant event information to all respective festival visitors.
Does the name on the ticket needs to be the same as on my ID?
We need to recognize your name on the ticket with first and lastname.

OK way of personalization:
Name on passport: C.H.A. Example
Name on ticket: Claire Example
Name on ticket: C. Example

Name on passport: C.H.A. Example
Name on ticket: Claire E.
How do I personalize my ticket(s)?
After purchasing your ticket(s) you will receive an email confirmation from Paylogic of the ticket purchase. This email will not yet include your tickets. To receive your tickets, you first have to personalize them. In the email with the purchase confirmation, you will receive further information regarding the personalization process, such as the date from which it is possible to personalize your tickets.

For each ticket, personal information needs to be filled in, such as the full name and email address of the person attending the event. Be aware that the information has to be unique for each ticket and please use the names as mentioned on the respective identification documents (passport/ID card).

Step 1: Booker will receive email from Paylogic with link to the personalization-environment

Step 2: Booker will arrive in the ‘My order’ personalization environment

Step 3: Click on ‘Personalize’ and then on ‘Claim’

Step 4: Fill out data

Step 5 (optional): If you have multiple tickets, click on 'send' to send an invite to the co-visitor

After filling in the information, you will receive a confirmation.

For Summer Festival; all personalized e-tickets will be send to the main buyer on 6 July 10:00 (Thursday morning before the festival)

If you have not received your tickets, please contact the Paylogic Customer Service via
Instructions for the main booker of the ticket(s)
  1. Open the email of your order confirmation that you received via Paylogic after you have purchased your tickets for Awakenings. Click on the link “PERSONALIZE NOW” in the email. This will bring you to the personalization page of Awakenings.
  2. Start personalizing your ticket Click on the button of the personalization page to start personalizing your Awakenings ticket.
  3. Create an Awakenings account.
  4. Personalize and claim your ticket. In your personal Awakenings account, you will see an overview of all tickets of your order. The first thing you need to do is to personalize and claim ONE ticket for yourself.
  5. Invite your friends (only applicable if you have purchased more than one ticket). After you have claimed your own ticket, return to the order overview by clicking “back to order”. If you have purchased more than one ticket, please invite your friends to the personalization process by clicking on “invite”. Select ‘copy link’ to copy the personalization link, which you can send to your friends. It is important that you do not send this link to people that are not part of your order, as this is the key to your tickets. Remember: ALL your friends need to personalize their tickets individually. They also need an Awakenings account for this.
  6. Once ALL tickets have been personalized individually by your friends, YOU (as the main booker) will receive them in your email. Please take note that the tickets will only be sent to you once every single ticket has been personalized.
  7. Send the tickets to your friends after receiving all the tickets, you can send them to your friends.

Please note: For Awakenings Summer Festival; all tickets are sealed and will be send to the main buyer on 6 July 10:00 (Thursday morning before the festival starts)
Instruction for those, who didn't buy ticket(s) themselves
  1. Open the invitation link to personalize your ticket. The main booker (the one who has purchased your ticket for you) sent you a link to start the personalization process. Click on that link. If you did not receive that link, please get in touch with the person who purchased the ticket for you and ask him/her to follow the instructions for the main booker (see above).
  2. Create an Awakenings account
  3. Personalize your ticket. Follow the instructions via the link.
  4. Receive your ticket from the main booker. As soon as every ticket holder has personalized their ticket, the main booker (so not you) will receive all tickets via email. Please ask the main booker for your ticket.
Until when do I have time to personalize my ticket(s)?
You do not have to personalize your tickets immediately; tickets can be personalized till the event.
I forgot to personalize my tickets
Tickets can be personalized up to 48 hours before the event. In case you forgot to personalize your tickets on time, you will be contacted by Paylogic.
Should I bring an ID to the event?
Yes, before entering, the festival security can ask for your identification to check your name and age.

Please note that a copy of your identification document will not be accepted as a valid identification document. If there is another name on your ticket, access to the event can be denied. In such a case, the ticket cannot be refunded.

Do you have any other questions related to tickets? Please contact the customer service of Paylogic via
How can I change the name on the ticket?
You can change the name of the ticket(s) in your order through the Paylogic MyOrder page.

Please note that the new order will always be on the name of the main buyer of the original order. Also, the name change will be paid by the main buyer of the original order.

To change the name on your ticket, please follow these steps:
1. Go to the MyOrder page via de 'Manage order' button in the confirmation mail, or request it again through this link.
2. Select 'Name Change'
3. Fill in the email address of new attendee
4. Proceed to check out ( name change request is sent upon checkout completion)
5. New attendee can personalise new ticket through the button in the invite email

ticket 75 Tickets

I lost my ticket, what should I do?
Please try to search for 'Paylogic' in your inbox and also check your spam folder.
If this doesn't get you any results, please go to, so we can resend your ticket(s) and/or confirmation e-mail to your mail address.
How can I get in touch for ticket questions?
Didn't find your answer? Please have a look at the FAQ of our ticketing customer support. Still haven't found your answer? You can contact them through their contact form and they will answer your question within 48 hours.
From which websites can I buy tickets?
Only buy your tickets at our official sales channel: the Awakenings website. This way you will never pay too much and you make sure your tickets are real.
In case the event is sold out, please check:

When a ticket is sold through Ticketswap, the ‘old’ ticket gets canceled and a new ticket is going to the new owner. The old ticket is not valid anymore and the seller is not able to put the ticket on Ticketswap again.

This is the ONLY official website to buy tickets when the event is sold out.
All tickets will be scanned and checked for authenticity at the entrance.
I've added xCover (Booking Protect) to my order, how does this work?
If you have added refund protection to your order, this means a maximum amount of € 2000,- per order is protected. Basically, it covers your entrance-, locker-, parking tickets, and accommodation if you book it through us. Merchandise will not be refunded. Check out the terms & conditions for being able to request a refund here.

If you would like to apply for a refund, click here.
For questions regarding your Refund Protection, please contact Booking Protect at
Why is the xCover (Booking Protect) fee not being refunded?
Booking Protect is a protection service, which starts immediately after you’ve placed your order. It is from this time on that if anything were to happen in line with the terms and conditions of Booking Protect, you could make a refund request with Booking Protect. Whether a claim is made or not, the protection service was still provided and can therefore not be refunded. For all other questions regarding the coverage or refunds, please contact Booking Protect.
Which countries does Ticketswap support to re-sell my ticket?
Click here to see which countries Ticketswap does support to re-sell your ticket(s).
How does payment method Klarna work?
In our shop, one of the payment methods is Klarna, allowing you to pay the total amount in 30 days / 3 terms instead of at once.

Only countries that have the Euro currency can use Klarna.

Any questions about Klarna? Visit their customer support page here.

It is not possible to pay for a Summer Festival accommodation of Beekse Bergen via Klarna/ in installments, since the sales will go through the Beekse Bergen ticket shop.

laugh 17 Rules & Regulations

What are the rules and regulations?
Some rules and regulations are different per venue. Please visit the event page to view the rules and regulations for the event you are visiting.
What is your code of conduct?
At Awakenings, we aim to create a safe space where you can be yourself and lose yourself. We value and respect all people. We have a collective responsibility and take care of each other.
Click here to view our full code of conduct.
What is the minimum age to get in?
At all our events, you have to be 18+.
We will check your ID at the entrance.
Can I bring my medication?
If it is necessary to bring your medication to the event, you need to bring an official declaration of a doctor. In case of doubt, our First Aid crew (EMS) will check your medication and declaration.
Can I bring my e-cigarette and the complementary liquids?
It's allowed to bring your e-cigarette, but you cannot smoke inside. Please use the (outside) smoking areas. The complementary liquids are only allowed in sealed packaging.

organic 2 Sustainability

What does Awakenings do for sustainability?
We like to dance for many more years on our beautiful planet!
We are well aware of environmental impact and we strive to become a circulair festival. Please read here what we do, to make our festivals sustainable.
How does the deposit system on all cups, cans and bottles work?
During our events we will be working with a deposit system on all cups, cans and bottles we give out at the bars.
We would like to collect as many as possible, to make sure they can be recycled!

This is how it works:
1. At the entrance, after scanning your ticket, you’ll receive 1 free recycle token from us.
2. With each drink you order, you hand in your recycle token or an empty cup, can or bottle.
3. When you’re leaving the venue or you don’t want to have a new drink, you can hand in your empty cup / can or bottle at the bar or at one of the other recycle points. The bar staff will give you your recycle token in return.
4. There is an unique code on the recycle token, after the show you can go to out website and fill out the code, then you have a chance of winning prizes!

On this page you can fill out the code of your recycle token.

wheelchair 2 Visitors with a physical or sensory disability

Measures for our visitors with a physical or sensory disability
Click here to view all info.

Zero Tolerance

Zero tolerance
Awakenings is a zero tolerance event. This means that no drugs are allowed, so all (hard and soft) drugs, pills, powders, liquids, mushrooms and N20 (nitrous oxide/laughing gas) are forbidden. Security will thoroughly search everybody before entering the event. When hard drugs are found, you will be removed from the event and you might be handed over to the police.

Hi, How can we help?

At Awakenings we’re here to support you whenever we can. Find your answer below in our FAQ.
If that didn’t help, you can always contact us.